Behavioral Health Advisory Committees

The Regional Behavioral Health Advisory Boards (Western, Desert, and Mid-County) are an advisory body, composed of volunteers appointed by the Behavioral Health Director, and work in conjunction with the Riverside University Health System – Behavioral Health to ensure citizens and professional input and involvement in all aspects of Department Services. The Regional Behavioral Health Advisory Board members serve a three-year term and are governed by the California Welfare and Institution Code §5604 and the Ralph M. Brown Act. 

For membership details, agendas, and meeting minutes, please contact the Behavioral Health Commission Liaison at (951) 955-7141.

Behavioral Health Advisory Boards

The Riverside County Behavioral Health Commission Committees are an advisory body, composed of volunteers appointed by the Mental Health Director, who work in conjunction with the Riverside University Health System – Behavioral Health to ensure citizen and professional input and involvement in all aspects of Department Services. The Behavioral Health Commissioners serve for a three-year term and are governed by the California Welfare and Institution Code §5604 and the Ralph M. Brown Act.

​The Adult System of Care Committee (ASOC) is a standing committee of the Riverside County Behavioral Health Commission. The mission of the ASOC Committee is to promote, support, and advocate for high quality and culturally appropriate services for severely and persistently mentally ill adults and their families residing in Riverside County.

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​The Adult System of Care Committee (ASOC) is a standing committee of the Riverside County Behavioral Health Commission. The mission of the ASOC Committee is to promote, support, and advocate for high quality and culturally appropriate services for severely and persistently mentally ill adults and their families residing in Riverside County.

The Children’s Committee is a standing committee of the Riverside County Behavioral Health Commission.  The committee advocates for the needs of children who have been identified as or at risk of having emotional/behavioral challenges.  Advocacy extends to their families and/or caregivers.

The Criminal Justice Committee is a standing committee of the Riverside County Behavioral Health Commission. The mission of this committee is to facilitate recovery of people who have a serious mental illness, in the Criminal Justice System, by enhancing programs in our community through collaborative efforts with involved County agencies, the community, the family and other support systems.

The Riverside County Behavioral Health Commission Executive Committee is an advisory body, composted of volunteers appointed by the Board of Supervisors’, who work in conjunction with the Riverside University Health System – Behavioral Health to ensure citizens and professional input and involvement in all aspects of Department Services.

The Housing Committee is a standing committee of the Riverside County Behavioral Health Commission.  The Housing Committee represents the special needs of the homeless mentally ill.  The committee work in collaboration with other agencies and make recommendations to the Behavioral Health Commission and the Department of Mental Health as to the needs of those consumers seeking housing.

The Legislative Committee is a standing committee of the Riverside County Behavioral Health Commission.  The Legislative Committee reviews relevant legislative bills on mental health issues and reports to the Behavioral Health Commission.  The committee makes recommendations to the Riverside County Behavioral Health Commission about action on pending legislation and reports monthly to the Riverside County Behavioral Health Commission regarding future legislative stance of the county.

The Behavioral Health Commission Membership Committee is an advisory body, composted of volunteers appointed by the Board of Supervisors, who work in conjunction with the Riverside University Health System – Behavioral Health to ensure citizens and professional input and involvement in all aspects of Department Services.

Older Adult Services Committee is a standing committee of the Riverside County Mental Health Department.  The committee seeks to assist consumers in their recovery by aiding them to maintain a physically and emotionally healthy lifestyle so they are able to remain in their home or community based housing for as long as possible. Services are provided by a multi-disciplinary staff with specialized training in evaluating and addressing both mental illness and issues of aging.

The Veterans Committee is sponsored by the Riverside County Behavioral Health Commission and consists of one Behavioral Health Commissioner and a group of volunteers.  Its purpose is to identify strategies for improving supports, reducing the stigma of mental illness and improving the quality of life for veterans and their families dealing with mental illness.  Its function is to advise and foster a collaboration of veteran’s families’ and mental health support organizations to address and alleviate the mental health needs of veterans and their families, as well as, recommend and propose related services.