Peer Support Services

Peer Support is the evidence-based practice offered to anyone seeking support and assistance to build a better life for themselves or their loved one. A Trained Peer Support Specialist is a person with lived experience of wellness and recovery. They partner with a person receiving services or with the person’s loved ones role-modeling and coaching each person to achieve their wellness goals. The Peer Support Specialist utilizes their own experiences moving through behavioral health challenges and successes, to support another person to move through their recovery process, in the pursuit of a meaningful and purpose-filled life. Peer Support Specialists are the evidence that recovery, resiliency and wellness are possible to achieve and sustain. Peer Support Services are offered at every clinic and program in the RUHS-BH service system.

Take My Hand Quick Info
Take My Hand Quick Info

TakemyHand grew out of a desire to engage Riverside residents in a new, easily accessible way. It…
Take My Hand Quick Info
Take My Hand Quick Info
Recovery Happens
Recovery Happens

Recovery Happens
Recovery Happens