California Children’s Services 

California Children’s Services (CCS) is a statewide program that provides funding for treatment of children with certain physical limitations and chronic health conditions or diseases. CCS also authorizes and pays for specific medical services and equipment provided by CCS-approved specialists.

With guidance from the California Department of Health Services, the County of Riverside Department of Public Health operates the CCS program countywide. The program is funded with State, County, and federal tax money, along with some fees paid by parents.

If you or your child's doctor believes that your child might have a CCS-eligible medical condition, the program may pay for or provide a medical evaluation to determine if your child's condition is covered.

If your child is eligible, CCS may pay for or provide:

  • Treatment, hospital and surgical care, laboratory tests, X-rays, orthopedic appliances, and medical equipment.
  • Medical case management to secure treatment from special doctors and care for your child when medically necessary, and referrals to other agencies, including Public Health Nursing and regional centers.
  • Medical Therapy Program services, including physical therapy and/or occupational therapy in public schools.
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Apply for CCS Services or Renew Your Case

You or your child’s doctor can make a referral to the CCS program. CCS will ask you to complete an application and provide financial information. If you are interested in making a referral to the CCS program, please call 951-358-5401 or 1-866-735-4CCS (1-866-735-4227). 

Apply for CCS Services or Renew Your Case

child with walker

Medical Therapy Program

The Medical Therapy Program (MTP) is a coordinated program of medically necessary Physical Therapy (PT) and Occupational Therapy (OT) services provided to medically eligible children. These services are provided in Medical Therapy Units (MTUs) located at certain public schools.

Medical Therapy Program


Provider Portal

The CMS Net Provider Electronic Data Interchange (CMS Net PEDI) is a web-based tool that enables approved CCS providers to electronically access the status of California Children Services (CCS) Requests for Services/Authorizations. In addition to viewing authorizations each approved provider/facility shall have the ability to print service authorization requests (SARs), denial letters, Notices of Action and generate standard reports.

Provider Portal

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